Our Chakras are truly our wheels of our lives. When they are spinning and functioning well, we are able to navigate through all our lives have to offer. If you consider the chakras like a garden hose, when even one is out of balance, there's a "kink" in our energetic system, we may function, but not as well as when the entire system is open and life force is flowing without restriction. If you've ever considered learning about your chakras, this type of programming is designed for you. While I recommend beginning with the Root Chakra, you may resonate learning about other areas first. Easy ways to decide may include asking yourself a few easy questions: Do you feel secure? Is your home a sanctuary? Do you have creative passions? Do you enjoy sex? Are you confident? Able to make decisions? Do you have loving relationships? Are you too easily hurt or disappointed by those you love? Are you a good listener? Are you able to speak up for yourself? Do you place value on your dreams? Are you an-overthinker? Finally, are you connected to what you define as spirit? Do you meditate? There are just a few very basic ways you may tap into each of your chakras. How you answer, resonate or negate any of these questions and topics indicates work you may have to do in one or several chakras. So, let's delve more deeply into this work. It's all about you and your choices! but again, if you have trouble making choices, I have a chakra for that!! :)
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